SUPPORT US Become a member Become a volunteer Make a donation The Sabine Zlatin Endowment Fund The project of the Maison d’Izieu, Memorial to the Exterminated Jewish Children, is supported by the non-profit organisation with the same name founded in 1988. Joining the association allows you to: Support the association’s activities Get involved with the association Join, meet and bring active members together around a common project Help keep the memory of the children and adults of the Izieu children’s home alive, Support and/or get involved in teaching, academic and scientific research, further education and, more generally, informing and educating people from all walks of life, particularly young people, on crimes against humanity Reflect on fundamental human values and on crimes against humanity Defend dignity, rights and justice and to fight against all forms of intolerance, xenophobia, anti-Semitism and racism. By becoming a member, you agree to accept the regulations in force. Members benefit from a reduced price for all the activities offered by the Maison d’Izieu. The annual general meeting is generally held on the last Sunday in April at the end of the commemorative ceremony on Deportation Day in Brégnier-Cordon and Izieu. The sum of your annual subscription is 25 euros. The Maison d’Izieu has chosen the online platform Hello Asso to enable you to securely subscribe, contribute and/or make a donation online. It is therefore possible to choose to make a contribution to the running of Hello Asso. To join, you can use the printable form or the online platform. DOWNLOAD THE FORM IN PDF Join online for the year 2024 If the platform is malfunctioning, click here : join online Help us to keep the memorial running Support the Maison d’Izieu Become a member of the association MAKE A DONATION Next page Become a volunteer read more