
Financial partners

The Maison d’Izieu receives financial support from the Ministry of Culture, the Ministry of National Education and Youth, the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region, the departement of Ain, the Ministry of Armed Forces-DPMA (Direction des patrimoines, de la mémoire et des archives – Heritage, Remembrance and Archives Department), the Prefecture of the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region, the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation, the DILCRAH (Délégation Interministérielle à la Lutte Contre le Racisme, l’Antisémitisme et la Haine anti-LGBT – Interministerial Delegation for Fighting Against Racism, Anti-Semitism and anti-LGBT Hate) and from the Sabine Zlatin Foundation.

Institutional Partners

Sponsoring partners on specific projects or via the Sabine Zlatin Endowment Fund

The Maison d’Izieu receives support from companies or foundations for specific projects.

Network of places of remembrance of the Shoah

The Maison d’Izieu has been a member of the network of places of remembrance of the Shoah in France since it was founded in 2010. It brings together eleven institutions attached to a historic site and linked to the history and remembrance of the persecution, deportation, extermination, rescue or resistance of the Jews in France during the Second World War.

Encouraging its members to bond, the Network aims to encourage people to learn more about the history of the Shoah and to pass on their knowledge, both on a national and local level, contributing to the affirmation of republican and democratic values, particularly in the fight against all forms of racism and anti-Semitism.

It is particularly based on young remembrance ambassadors: a training programme for young people from formal and informal education institutions to encourage them to give their time to a historical and public measure.


Tourist partners

Distribution and ticketing partners

Academic partners

Media partners