Since its foundation, the memorial has aimed to educate, teach and help all visitors to reflect on the crimes against humanity and the circumstances that led to them. Every year, more than 17,000 schoolchildren are welcomed to visit the Maison d’Izieu.

Follow a guided tour: the house and the permanent exhibition

The Maison d’Izieu organizes for all school groups a guided tour of the site (house and permanent exhibition).

A mediator accompanies the pupils to help them discover the history and the memory of the place while trying to make them actors of the visit. They are constantly invited to read, question, exchange and participate in the work of remembrance carried out by the memorial team.

In addition to the history of the “Home of the refugee children of Hérault” put into context (Vichy France, the anti-Semitic policies and collaboration in the “final solution”, their impact on the children of Izieu’s families), the visit provides an opportunity to address issues of justice (crimes against humanity and the Nuremberg and Klaus Barbie trials) and remembrance (memorial plaques and steles on the site).

Duration: 2 hours

NB :

– Self-guided visits and questionnaires prepared by schools for students (during the visit) are not permitted.
– Guided tours can be arranged in English, Italian, Spanish, German and Hebrew on request.
– It is recommended that students be prepared in advance of their visit.
– In order to enrich the visit and go further into certain themes, it is advisable to take advantage of a day on the site by participating in another activity.
– All the activities proposed are carried out under the guidance of a mediator or an educational outreach worker for groups of 30 students maximum (beyond this number groups will be split into two groups in order to make the visit more comfortable).


Follow a participative workshop

In addition to the guided tour of the memorial site (house and permanent exhibition), students can deepen their visit during a participative workshop.

Divided into small groups, the students are encouraged to construct their knowledge from archives, video extracts (film fictions, testimonies), artistic supports (music, poetry, painting…) and the exchanges they will have with each other and with the animator. At the end of the workshop, a time of restitution and discussion is generally planned. Depending on the theme chosen, the pupils can leave with their productions (maps tracing the routes, posters, digital exhibition, etc.).

Duration: 2 hours

The speakers are keen to keep abreast of current historical events and to regularly offer new documents in the workshops.
Upon request and prior reservation, some workshops can be offered in English and Italian. To find out more, contact the pedagogical service.
A telephone service is available every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday from 4 to 5 pm (except during the summer holidays).

+33(0)4 79 87 21 05 (choice n°4)