The house of Izieu today

A place of remembrance, education and life in order to understand crimes against humanity and to act against all forms of discrimination.

The house of Izieu is today a place of welcome and vigilance that intends to deliver a universal message and act against all forms of intolerance and racism.

The Maison d’Izieu is both a place of remembrance and a museum where you will find many accessible contents on history, justice and the construction of the remembrance of Izieu. The house, a place of remembrance where the children and their educators lived, collects the children’s letters and drawings and their portraits. The museum is equipped with a permanent exhibition with many interactive contents that allow to understand the journey of the families and children of the Colony, the K. Barbie trial, and crimes against humanity around the world. The Maison d’Izieu regularly hosts temporary exhibitions.

Through its actions, the Maison d’Izieu contributes throughout the year to

Today, the Maison d’Izieu reaches more than 15,000 students from middle schools, high schools and schools in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region, throughout France and abroad. Visits, thematic workshops, and work with artists are offered and conducted in close collaboration with teachers.

Training courses for teachers are offered each year at Maison d’Izieu and during seminars abroad in partnership with other remembrance sites (Yad Vashem-Israel; Frankfurt/Nuremberg-Germany; Auschwitz-Poland…). Maison d’Izieu also raises awareness of racism and anti-Semitism questions  among students, educators, civil servants and professionals.

Accompanied visits are proposed to facilitate the understanding of this unique place and to make a complex contemporary history accessible to all: the Shoah in France during the Second World War; the birth of international justice and its functioning until today; the construction of a remembrance of crimes against humanity.

The Maison d’Izieu continues to conduct research through its Documentation and Research Center on the lives of the families of the 44 children, their seven educators, and on the crime against humanity. It pursues research and completes its archive collections through regular donations. The contents feed the exhibition thanks to new digital applications.

The Maison d’Izieu, a living place, accompanies the dynamics of the territory with its cultural program: concerts, literary meetings, citizen debates, symposiums, events…



Remise du Trophée Tourisme et Patrimoine 2019 © Maison d’Izieu

The Maison d’Izieu received:

The Ain Business Trophy in the category “Tourism and Heritage 2019”; by Aintourisme and the Ain department
The Louis Blum 2019 Prize by the CRIF Grenoble-Dauphiné and the gold medal of the city of Grenoble

The “Accueil vélo 2021” label for the reception dedicated to cyclotourists