The Sabine Zlatin Endowment Fund

The Sabine Zlatin Endowment Fund was created on 13 February 2018. Its purpose is:

– to support the “Maison d’Izieu Association, memorial for the Jewish children who were exterminated”, its purpose and activities in the public interest and to therefore be involved in its planning, management and development;

– to support and/or get involved in teaching, academic and scientific research, further education, and more generally informing and educating people from all walks of life, particularly young people, on crimes against humanity;

– to contribute by all means to defending dignity, rights and justice and to fighting against all forms of intolerance, xenophobia, anti-Semitism and racism;

– and to particularly do this by contributing to its founder’s financial resources in order to increase the number of measures taken in the public interest.


To make a donation or bequest to the Sabine Zlatin Endowment Fund, the minimum amount you can donate is 10,000 euros.


Tax benefits


Companies that make donations or bequests to an endowment fund can benefit from a tax reduction of up to 60% of the amount of their payments, within the 0,5% turnover limit.


Individuals who make donations or bequests to an endowment fund can therefore benefit from an income tax deduction of up to 66% of the amount of their payments, within the 20% limit of taxable income.


To make a donation or bequest, you can contact :

+33(0)4 79 87 21 05



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