International Holocaust Remembrance Day

This highly symbolic date represents the liberation of the Auschwitz-Birkenau camp on 27 January 1945. A tribute was addressed to the 44 children and 7 educators, victims of the roundup of 6 April 1944.



Opening of the commemoration ceremony
Alexandre Nugues-Bourchat, education and mediation manager at the Maison d’Izieu

Official speeches
Thierry Philip, President of the Maison d’Izieu association
Thomas Pröpstl, Consul General of Germany
Juan Lopez-Herrera Sanchez, Consul general of Spain
Hugues Pouzet, Honorary Consul of Estonia
Hubert Czerniuk, Consul General of Poland
Anca Opris, Consul General of Romania, Dean of the Consular Corps of Lyon
Sophie Élizéon, Interministerial delegate for the fight against racism, antisemitism and homophobia (DILCRAH)

Reading of the names and laying of the roses
With the students of the Collège Frédéric Mistral from St Maurice l’Exil

Minute of Silence

The ceremony was followed by the opening of the Franco-Polish-Ukrainian exhibition “Maman, je ne veux pas la guerre!” [“Mum, I don’t want war!”]