Séminaire franco-italien : Izieu/Modène

Seminar Izieu/ Modena: from 21 to 24 October and 5 to 8 November 2019.

First French-Italian historical and linguistic seminar “Racial laws in France and Italy, 1938-44: a comparative study”

The seminar was organized by the Historical Institute of Modena and the Maison d’Izieu in a comparative perspective. This first session brought together French teachers in Modena from 21 to 24 October and Italian teachers in Izieu from 5 to 8 November. It included presentations, meetings with Italian teachers, educational workshops, visits of the two sites and time to work on the different pedagogical resources of the two organising institutions.

A seminar organised by the Maison d’izieu and the Istituto historico di Modena.